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When you don’t need to pay income tax in Czech Republic?

income tax in Czech Republic

Personal income tax in Czech Republic is at 15% rate. However, not all income must be taxed. For example, under certain conditions, occasional earnings are not a subject of taxation at all. Not even as a subject of social security or obligatory health insurance contributions. As long as such occasional income doesn’t exceed 30000 CZK […]

When you don’t need to pay income tax in Czech Republic? Read More »

Use a data mailbox to sort your Czech income tax online and handle other bureaucracy

czech taxes online - use a data mailbox

Wouldn’t it be great if you were able to do your czech taxes online? And how about sorting out a bunch of other paperwork without leaving your home? Well, living in Czech Republic as a foreigner inevitably brings a fair amount of bureaucracy to deal with. That’s why I see having a data mailbox (datová

Use a data mailbox to sort your Czech income tax online and handle other bureaucracy Read More »

Czech tax return: should you submit it yourself? Czech tax resident vs not.

Czech tax return: should you submit it yourself? Czech tax resident vs. not!

Dealing with your Czech tax return can be a pretty confusing experience. But it doesn’t have to be if you get the basics straight. Not everyone needs to file their Czech taxes and deal with tax return, certainly not every foreigner. While the basic rule of thumb is simple: multiple sources of income = you

Czech tax return: should you submit it yourself? Czech tax resident vs not. Read More »

Czech taxes for foreigners explained (not only for dummies)

Czech taxes for foreigners (dummies, and not only)

How about bringing some light on Czech taxes for foreigners? Filing your income tax papers in Czech Republic doesn’t have to be a miserable experience. It’s not just something all responsible adults do every year. It is also an excellent opportunity to make the government return you some money from the taxes you had paid

Czech taxes for foreigners explained (not only for dummies) Read More »

Novartis Prague jobs: all career insights you need before applying

Novartis Prague jobs - former employee story

Browsing through various Czech job boards online, you often come across Novartis Prague jobs that look quite attractive on the backdrop of countless corporate openings. They have a prominent employer brand. They are known for paying their employees well. And, having a Novartis episode in your CV might elevate your professional profile. But is it

Novartis Prague jobs: all career insights you need before applying Read More »

Stop losing a part of your salary when using paid vacation days in Czech Republic

Paid vacation days in Czech Republic

In 2021 full-time employees get 25 paid vacation days in Czech republic. But how many of them actually plan their holidays in a smart way? Over the years I realized that most people have no idea how their salary compensation for these paid days off is being calculated. As a result, most people receive less

Stop losing a part of your salary when using paid vacation days in Czech Republic Read More »

From Prague to Berlin for a day trip – my top itinerary for a short stay

Day trip from Prague to Berlin

One of the best day trips from Prague is the one to Berlin. It is that kind of trip that can be easily extended into a 2 days city break and that will entice you with a lot of cultural experiences. Following next in this article, you’ll find the top one-day itinerary for a short day trip from Prague to Berlin. I’ll also

From Prague to Berlin for a day trip – my top itinerary for a short stay Read More »

Czech solidarity tax: who pays it and how to get this money back?

Czech solidarity tax

The Czech Solidarity tax (solidární daň) is also colloquially called Millionaire tax (milionářská daň). It is an additional 7% tax applicable on income of high-earning individuals. You may not think of yourself as a millionaire, but the Czech Tax Office’s opinion might differ from yours. You can easily get into this group if, for example,

Czech solidarity tax: who pays it and how to get this money back? Read More »

A day trip from Prague to Vienna – your most efficient itinerary, and more.

Vienna seen in a day trip from Prague to Vienna

Well, living in Prague is quite an amazing experience, as you can mingle nicely the working days of the week with a small weekend escape in the most beautiful nearby cities. No matter if you are seeking to book a family trip from Prague or simply to explore a nearby city, Prague Referral will bring

A day trip from Prague to Vienna – your most efficient itinerary, and more. Read More »