Czech Employee Card. How to change your employer without losing your card?

Having a Czech Employee Card, if you want to change your job, you might be risking losing your current card. For example, if the new employment doesn’t fit the requirements for jobs suitable for issuance of Employee Card in Czech Republic. Also, you must be employed with your current Employee Card for more than 6 months, to change your job without risking the card. There are some exceptions though and this article outlines the list of those exceptions.

Czech Employee Card

How does the change of employer with a Czech Employee Card work in general?

You can read more about what an Employee Card in Czech Republic is in our previous article. Here we will break down when you can change your employment within the first six months, without risking losing your current Czech Employee Card.

An Employee Card holder must announce their change of employment to MOI at least 30 days before the change happens. You can start in your new employment as soon as MOI sends you a confirmation that they received your announcement. However, you are not allowed to submit such announcement of change if you worked in your current role (for which your Employee Card was issued) for less than 6 months. However, there are some exceptional cases, when the 6 months limitation doesn’t apply. These are covered in paragraphs 52 (letters a – e) and 54 of the Czech Labour Code. The Act of Residence of Foreign Nationals in The Czech Republic also covers some part of it. Below is the breakdown of those scenarios in which you’re not required to work for at least 6 month prior to terminating your contract or changing your employer.

When the employer who ‘sponsored’ your Czech Employee Card terminates your contract

  • When the employer terminates your contract within your probation period. Typically, it runs for the first 3 months for regular employees, and 6 months for managers. You can certainly find the duration of your probation period in your contract.
  • When the employer terminates your contract because:
    • The employer or its part stops its operations (i.e. bankruptcy, mergers etc.) or changes its location.
    • They no longer need you due to changes in the scope of the role, technical equipment, or general efficiency driving measures or other organizational changes (e.g. restructure).
    • They can no longer employ you in the current role because of your health condition. A relevant doctor must provide a statement prohibiting you such employment.
    • You are no longer legally capable of doing the job because of your health condition. A relevant doctor must confirm such event.

When you terminate your contract

  • If you and your employer agree to terminate your employment (in Czech we call it dohodou) because of any of the reasons you read in the previous section.
  • When you decide to terminate your employment because:
    • You can no longer do the job based on your doctor’s assessment of your health condition. Simultaneously, your employer cannot provide you with an alternative job within 15 days after you deliver the doctor’s statement.
    • The employer has delayed your salary payment (or its part) by more than 15 days.

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